Thursday 13 September 2007

Wednesday, 13th September - all the pews have gone.

With effect from yesterday, all the pews have now been sold and the last one will be collected soon. I hope that all of you who bought pews enjoy having a 'bit of history' from St Mary's Church in your homes. Your contribution to the project fund is most welcome. The archaeologist paid us a visit this week and had an initial view of the site and an explanation of what is planned. He has asked for some of our historic records and will paying another visit once the floor has been completely cleared. Work is ongoing to remove the tiles next. The large heating pipes around the perimeter of the nave have now been removed. It will be a nice change not to roast next to the pipes and freeze elsewhere when the weather is cold, and have all the heat rise instead of warming the congregation! The air inside the church has been very dusty and no doubt will be moreso once work begins on levelling the floor.

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