Friday 30 January 2009

Share study & prayer.

The Cluster of Churches Prayer Group will meet again on Monday, February 2nd at 7.30pm at St Mary's. Come and hear news from around the Cluster and bring our Praise, our needs and our thanksgiving before God.
Having trouble finding time to read your Bible, or want to know why you should read it? Try staying on after the Wednesday morning Holy Communion service - 10.45am for coffee, then 11-12noon, and bring your Bible or we'll provide one. Meetings will be held for the next three weeks.

Monday 26 January 2009

Looking forward.

It's the last week of January, gloomy and we've eaten the last of our Christmas goodies. Are we downhearted? Of course not. The snowdrops are coming out in St Mary's churchyard - a sign of Spring, and it's darker later each evening. We'll soon see the churchyard teams mowing and cleaning up each week, starting in March. Your help is needed! Can you help one Saturday morning every few weeks? If you're going through a bad patch, it's good to get out, keep active and meet someone to talk to - and to help to someone else. St Mary's has lots of exciting events planned. Come and join us and help plan them - it's part of the excitement. It will take your mind off all the doom and gloom in the news.

Friday Coffee Mornings 10-12noon - The first one is next week (6th Feb) in the church. If you haven't had a chance to call into St Mary's yet come along.

Wedding Fayre on Feb 28th, 10.30-3.-30pm We have lots of suppliers coming to show their wares and Revd Glynis will be available to talk through any questions you have.

  • A Prayer and Spirituality Day is planned for Saturday, March 21st - an event by Revd Glenn Martin and Revd Janet Gorick. More details to follow.

Don't forget Acorns are meeting this Tuesday, 27th at 1.30pm in the Church Hall and every two weeks. All Mothers and toddlers are welcome - and it's free.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Churches & Community Together

This week has been Week of Prayer for Christian Unity for the churches in East Leake. A special Service will be held at 6.00pm on Sunday, 25th Jan. at East Leake Methodist church.
David and Dawn Curran, our CMS partners are getting close to moving to Pakistan in February with their two little girls, and are expecting their third child in June. Our prayers go with them as they prepare to take up their work with the Church Mission Society.
The first Carol Service held outside the Three Horseshoes on a very cold (minus 3 degrees!) December 11th night, was attended by approx. 60 adults and children. £50 was raised for Rainbows and £40 for the East Leake Playgroup. Thanks go to Sean Stone, the Publican, St Mary's musicians and Hand bells team, and to all those who attended and contributed. The hot meal inside the pub was most welcome afterwards.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

The Cluster Panto at Costock

The Cluster Panto, 'Golden Oldilocks' was held at Costock Village Hall on 10th January.
The Fairy appears on stage to summarise the story and announce the scenes (if she wasn't talking offstage!).
As usual everything happens happily ever after and it looks like there will be two weddings in the end.

Monday 19 January 2009

Talented people

Please note: The Banner Group will NOT be meeting this Tuesday, 20th January. This group of very talented ladies have been busy making banners for the Churches Together in East Leake for some time now, and are always looking for new members. So, if you enjoy sewing and embroidery, they will be very pleased to see you. They usually meet at the Catholic Church hall on Tuesdays at 2.00pm.
Another group of talented people are those who ring our bells each Sunday and at Stanford Church. They will be ringing the bells for a special event this Saturday at St Mary's at 3.30pm, followed by a Bellringers' Service and social time. They have some new members who are keen to learn and will be pleased to see anyone else who is interested. Just come along and ask for John Cooper, the Bell Captain!

Thursday 15 January 2009

Christingle pictures

There were lots of children having fun at the Christingle Service, as you will see. Their parents, carers and friends were there too.
Sue Waterston and Chris O'Nions gave a short presentation on The Children's Society, who introduced Christingle services to the Church of England. All funds raised at these services go to help other children needing help.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Golden Oldilocks seeks a church.

Saturday night Costock Village Hall was full of laughter. The S. Notts Cluster of churches held their party and Pantomime written by Revd Glynis Hetherington and performed by members of the churches. The story evolved around searching: Golden Oldilocks was searching for a church (and love) among the 13 parishes (Sutton Bonington has TWO churches, didn't you know), two people searching for the love of their life, and one who became a reformed character and found love. All good fun in the tradition of pantomime. Watch the blog for pictures of the event to follow. Thank you to all who came and to those who worked so hard for such a fun evening. Sunday was the day for our annual Christingle Service and the church was packed full of children and their parents and carers. Others came to join in and enjoy the service and help make the Christingles.
FRIDAY COFFEE MORNING: Do drop into church for a cup of coffee and a chat on Friday 6th February, any time between 10am and 12noon. We want to make this a weekly event, so if you can't make it on the 6th Feb, come the following Friday. If you're passing or just want to get out of the house, come and join us - you'll be very welcome.

Thursday 8 January 2009

And you think it's cold here!

While talk is of this week's extremely cold weather (minus 5 degrees in East Leake), I discovered somewhere where it's really cold! It may be minus 37 degrees, but look at what God gives us. Beautiful Northern Lights.
If we wrap up, take care and ignore our discomforts, our changing weather is one of the marvels God gives us in our world. Don't forget to check on your neighbours, especially if they are alone. There are also birds trying to survive in the cold and need food and water.
We'll be pleased to see you on Saturday at 6.30pm at Costock for the Cluster Party & Pantomime, if you can make it. Don't let lack of transport put you off, call one of us and we'll arrange to bring you. Or maybe we'll see you on Sunday at one of the services, or at the special Christingle Service and party at 2.30pm.
The parties aren't over yet. St Mary's Hall is busy with private bookings for children's parties. If you have a party, a meeting or want to rehearse in a light, warm place, please contact Pat on: 820094. See the website for charges and facilities. You can also check the availability on our on-line calendars - the links are in the column on the right.

Monday 5 January 2009

Prayers and Parties

Tonight, members of our churches in the S Notts Cluster are gathering for an evening of prayer, praise, needs and thanksgiving, at St Mary's. They will be meeting again on Monday, February 2nd at 7.30pm. If you have need of their prayers, please contact Maureen or Jan, or better still, come along.
If you haven't had your fill of Christmas or New Year parties, come along to Costock Village Hall on Saturday night at 6.30pm. Bring a plate of food to share and enjoy some games and a pantomime. It may not ELAPS standard but it will be fun. Come along and enjoy yourself, make friends and have a good laugh. The weather will probably continue very cold, so come prepared.
And don't forget that on Sunday, 11th Jan at 2.30pm is the Christingle Service for the young ones, followed by a tea party. We do need some grownups too though.

Friday 2 January 2009

A very cold New Year Walk.

We hope you all had a Happy New Year Celebration, even if you were just at home waiting until 12 midnight. While many of us were inside and keeping warm, some of our more energetic friends were braving the minus three degree weather yesterday, on the New Year's Day Walk in Ruddington Park. Please note: Tues 6th at 2.00pm Churches Together Banner Group will be in St Mary's Hall and NOT the Catholic Church hall which is being repainted. Thank you to all those who made the streets of East Leake look very bright and festive, but it will soon be time to take down the decorations. Traditionally, it has been on the 12th day of Christmas (6th Jan.). While it is still cold and dark, please remember your neighbours who live alone, perhaps can't get out and might need some company. If you would like some company please contact the Befriending Scheme on 852778. This group has been set up just for you! All regular groups will be returning to St Mary's Hall after Term begins on Monday, 5th January.