Thursday 29 November 2012

CAP Money Course for everyone!

Christians Against Poverty - We're here to help YOU!
A new year? Start with a CAP Money Course
Christmas can be an expensive time, with many people finding their finances stretched or ending up in debt to cover the cost. Help is at hand to help people have a happy start to the New Year and get a grip on their spending for 2013. 
St Luke's Church in Gamston is running a CAP money course this January to help local people manage their money and gain a better understanding of what they earn and what they spend. The course is provided by Christian's Against Poverty (CAP) and is full of practical tips to help people budget, understand where their money goes and learn how to save. The evening course runs over three weeks on Tuesdays (22, 29 January and 5 February) all starting at 8pm at St Luke's on Leahurst Road, Gamston.

This course is for everyone, not just those who go to church, and is an ideal opportunity to invite friends or those you may know who would benefit. 
Booking is essential - please contact Christine at St Luke's church office on 0115 974 5024 to reserve your place. St Luke's receives fantastic feedback each time it runs a CAP Money Course from people who have found new confidence in managing their finances - for more information take a look at

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Calling all Children!

St Mary's Church welcomes all children who would like to take part in our Nativity Play on Sunday, 9th December, 9.30am as part of our Worship Together Service.
Just come along on the morning and you can be an angel or a shepherd!  And bring your families.
Don't forget to come and sing you heart out too at the Carol Concert in the afternoon at 3.00pm led by our Musical Director, Chris Ebbern.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Singing in the Rain!

Loughborough Ladies' Choir weren't exactly singing in the rain, but they certainly travelled through it and sang about it on Saturday night at their concert at St Mary's Church, East Leake.

The programme was a 'Musical Miscellany' of the choir's musical repertoire - a truly relaxing evening of beautiful music, enhanced by the beautiful voice of Maria Veretenina.  Maria is a native of Estonia, who now lives in Loughborough.  She is an international opera soprano, singing most recently with the Finnish State Opera and we were very pleased to welcome her back unexpectedly due to the previous soloist's illness.

Coming up......

Next Sunday, 2nd Dec. is the 1st Sunday in Advent when the Christmas season REALLY begins.
9.30am there is the Parish Communion Service

3.00pm Christmas Craft Event for Families

4.00pm Messy Church, also for Families, so why not stay on?

Sunday 9th Dec. will be:
8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Worship Together with a Nativity Play by our younger members. Come and join us, the more children, the better!

3.00pm Christmas Concert led by our Musical Director, Chris Ebbern, to include solos and duets.

6.00pm Holy Communion

Monday 19 November 2012

Do you like singing - then this is for YOU!

Saturday, 24th Nov at 7.30pm we welcome Loughborough Ladies' Choir to St Mary's Church.  There are still some tickets available at £5 adults, £2.50 children from Pat Brown 820094. We hope to have a most enjoyable evening on Saturday.
Coming up on the first Sunday in Advent, 2nd Dec. at 2.00-4.00pm before Messy Church is a Christmas Craft Event for the whole family. Bring the children for some afternoon fun.

Christmas Concert, Sunday 9th Dec. at 3.00-4.00pm!
Come along and join in with some well known Christmas Carols -Solo Piano and Organ and Voice Duets too!

There will be a retiring collection for Wish upon a Star and St Mary's church funds.
We hope you can come along.
For more details, contact Chris Ebbern: 0115 9722131

The Games Afternoon, 1.30pm in St Mary's Church is on again this Thursday, 22nd Nov.

Vestry. While exciting things are being planned, work began today in the vestry to install an insulated, dropped ceiling.  The equipment and manpower is being kindly donated by British Gypsum.  This will ensure that the vestry will be warm and can be used more often.


Monday 12 November 2012


Shoebox Appeal. A Very Big Thank you to everyone who filled a shoebox with small gifts for underprivileged children.  The Churches Together Team have sent off 220 boxes this year to the children of Kosovo, who I'm sure will enjoy their surprise package.

Tickets are now being sold for our last concert before Christmas at £5 Adults and £2.50 children. Come and enjoy the music for a relaxing evening at St Mary's Church. 
Contact Pat on 820094 or via email:

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Christmas Card Fair and Jazz Concert

The Christmas Card Fair last Friday was very successful with many charities providing their cards for sale.  A steady number of customers came to St Mary's throughout the morning and stocked up ready for Christmas, not to mention those who enjoyed their cuppa.

On Saturday, the capacity audience enjoyed a lively, professional concert by the Brian Humpherson Quintet providing us with a variety of jazz music.  The Quintet have had vast experience in their musical careers, which showed in the solo sessions.  The soloist, Nicole van de Kuinder demonstrated her considerable vocal range in a number of well known songs too.
We'd like to thank them for a truly wonderful evening and hope that they can come back again.

Thank you to all who attended as the funds raised will go to the church and its charities.