Thursday 29 May 2008

Lead thieves are about again!

Lead thieves have struck again at another church locally. Beware strangers asking questions and looking for work - they could be checking out the area. Please keep an eye on your church and call the police if you suspect anything.

Events next week are:

  • The Banner Group - Tuesday, 3rd June at 2.00-4.00pm at the Catholic Church.
  • The men's Abbot Club - Thursday, 5th June at 8.00pm at The Nags Head Pub, East Leake.
  • On Friday, 6th at 7.30pm the Mothers' Union are inviting everyone to come to St Mary's for a social evening to find out what it is they do. Satisfy your curiosity! There is no pressure to join.
  • Prayer Meeting on Saturday, 7th June at 7.30pm at 35 Potters Lane.
  • Commitment Sunday - 8th June at 9.30am This will be a special Service for everyone to share their time and talents in our First Fruits Programme.
  • And at 6.00pm, 8th June, 'Father, Son & Holy Spirit - a combined Benefice service of praise'.

Watch out for further details of our Special Father's Day event on Sunday, 15th June at 9.30pm with guest speaker, Tim Friend.

Monday 26 May 2008

Art and Mission

Robin Borrett's Art Class event was attended by approximately 12 people on Saturday at the church. Robin brought several of his own beautiful art works created in coloured pencils, to demonstrate what could be done.

One or two people called in to take a look during the day too. We hope to welcome his class back again soon.

On Sunday we welcomed David and Dawn Curran and their two little girls.

They gave a presentation on where they would be working in Pakistan for the Church Mission Society. David's work will help bring relief to those suffering with TB and Dawn will be teaching, along with their mission work to spread the Gospel.
The congregation were encouraged to do their own mission work wherever they live and work. A Faith Lunch was held afterwards giving the congregation a chance to meet and chat to them.

We wish them well in their exciting new venture and all our prayers go with them.

Did you know that Bishops tell jokes? Bishop George does. If you enjoyed his sermon at the Rededication (or even missed it) and would like a copy, there are copies available in the church or in the June issue of Compass.

If you would like to have a copy of Compass delivered to your home each month to discover what's going on at all our Benefice churches, please contact the Editor on 852885.

Thursday 22 May 2008

This week's events and CMS visit.

This week our two Churchwardens, Gill and Graham attended the Archdeacon's Visitation at Southwell Minster on Tuesday supported by members of the congregation and family. It was a beautiful evening and the Minster was very full for a lovely service to appoint all this year's Churchwardens, followed by refreshments.

Wednesday was St Mary's Church Open Day to which all local businesses had been invited to visit the church since Re-ordering. Many local people have wondered what was happening at the church between September and December last year, and now they can come and see. We now have facilities fit for the 21st century and can offer facilities for appropriate community events.

On Sunday, 25th May at 9.30am, we welcome David and Dawn Curran from CMS and look forward to their presentation, before they take up their posts in Pakistan. Come along and meet them!

Monday 19 May 2008

The Church is Open to all.

St Mary's Church is always open to visitors during the day and to any of its services. On Wednesday, 21st May, East Leake businesses have received invitations to visit the church any time between 11.00am and 6.30pm. This invitation is for the owners, managers and their staff who might like to take this opportunity to see what's been going on at St Mary's since last year. Any members of the general public will also be welcome.

You are welcome to come and meet us, have a look around and share some refreshments. We'll be pleased to meet you and answer any questions you might have, whether it concerns our Re-ordering work, maintaining the church, our Services, the groups associated with St Mary's or maybe joining us.

Thursday 15 May 2008

Bombs to Butterflies.

St Mary's Women's Group is meeting on Monday 19th May in St Mary's Hall at 8.00pm. The topic for the evening is 'Bombs to Butterflies' - all about the making of Rushcliffe Park. Everyone is welcome.

We have some exciting events coming up:
  • Tuesday, 20th May - The Archdeacon's Visitation at Southwell Minster when our Churchwardens, Gill and Graham will be admitted to office. All are welcome to attend to support all our churchwardens from the Benefice.
  • Church Open Day, Wednesday, 21st May, 11.00-6.30pm
  • Visit from CMS, Sunday, 18th May, 9.30 Parish Communion Service.
  • First Fruits Programme, Sunday 8th June.
  • Special Service for Father's Day, 15th June at 9.30pm
  • Ordination of Claire Goode, our Curate for the Cluster, Sunday, 29th June.
  • New Wine - camping holiday on Newark Showground, 26th July-1st Aug. Lydia is planning to take a group of young people.
Please follow the blog for more details closer to the events.

Monday 12 May 2008

A Birthday party!

Yesterday, we had a Birthday Party! It was Pentecost, the church's birthday. The sun shone and there were lots of smiles as well as a serious message at our combined Pentecost and Family Service. There were balloons, a game of 'Pass the Parcel', chocolates and a Birthday cake! The children had a great time playing Pass the Parcel. Each layer of the wrapping contained the names of the Fruits of the Spirit, reminding us of all the good things that God gives us or wants us to be. The prize was a big box of chocolates which were shared around.

Please note that the visit of David and Dawn Curran from the Church Mission Society (CMS) is now on Sunday, 25th May and not 18th May.

If you were hoping to attend the Workshop for Coloured Pencil Beginners on Saturday 24th May, the deadline was on Saturday, 10th May. You might still get in if you call Robin Borrett immediately on 01509 820715 or via email to

If you would like to know more of what's happening at St Mary's and be part of it, come and see us on the Open Day on Wednesday, May 21st. See in our Church magazine, Compass or just follow the blog. There will be regular updates each week.

Friday 9 May 2008

Pentecost & Christian Aid Week

This Sunday celebrates Pentecost, the gift of the Holy Spirit (Whit Sunday). It is thought that 'Whit' is derived from wit or wisdom, when the apostles were filled with wisdom from the Holy Spirit. It is the birth of the Christian church and the start of the church's mission to the world. Come and share it with our families at 9.30am.
Don't forget to bake some cakes for the Christian Aid Cake & Plant Stall at the Methodist Church tomorrow, Saturday 10th May 10-12.00 noon! This is a very popular morning and the cakes and plants go very quickly, so get there early. Your cakes and plants can be your donation to Christian Aid in a very practical way.

All the money raised, goes to assisting people in desperate need, to do things for themselves. Following the disaster in Burma recently, those people are some who really need our help. Try putting yourself in their place! We might not be able to travel and help them ourselves physically, but we can make it possible with our donations for food, water, tents etc. and aid workers to be sent.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Events for your diary

Just as it seemed that everyone had gathered on the park for the May Day celebrations, yesterday, the whole village is invited to come and visit St Mary's on the Open Day planned for May 21st. Come and meet us and see the new interior of the church. The church will be open from 11.00-1.30pm, 2.30-4.00pm and 4.30-6.30pm. So put it in your diary now. Or you can just pop in any day when the church is open.

We will be celebrating Pentecost on 11th May, and as this is our usual 'Worship Together' service there will be a service of Parish Communion at 9.30am instead. This is suitable for all ages and will be led by St Mary's Music Group.

Christian Aid Week will be from 11th-17th May
Please consider those who need our help and give a little to help them. Volunteers will be delivering the envelopes and collecting them later in the week. We can't solve all the world's problems alone, but every little action does help - and so does praying.

The Abbot Club, our men's group welcoming any newcomers, met last Thursday at the Nag's Head as usual. If you would like to come along, ask for Colin.

Music for a May Evening will be held in All Saints Church, Rempstone on May 7th at 7.30pm. This is a special event of organ music, played by Dr Paul Hale, Director of Music at Southwell Minster and young local artists. There are still some tickets left (£5.50, children £2) - contact Gloria on 880073 or Margaret on 881700. Glass of wine and canapes included.

If you like listening to bands, there is a Concert by Hathern Band next Saturday, 10th May at 7.30pm in St John The Baptist Church, Stanford on Soar. Proceeds will go towards the electrification of the church clock. Tickets are £6 (concessions £5) available from Jim on 212830 or Gillian on 238596. Refreshments are available plus a raffle.

Friday 2 May 2008

Ringing the changes

Listen for the bells! Tomorrow, Saturday, 3rd May we will be welcoming bell ringers from Derby.

There will also be another group of bell ringers from the Lindsey branch of the Lincoln Diocesan Guild on Monday May 5th.

Change is in the air (and it's not just all the signs of Spring) and we look forward to a year of exciting events, a new PCC, new members of the clergy staff team and developing how we work together as a Cluster of parishes in the South Notts. area. There will be only three priests for the twelve parishes with an increased workload following the recent departures of the Revd Julia Palmer (Sutton Bonington & Normanton on Soar) and Revd. Mary Essex (Assistant Priest at East Leake).
This gives us an opportunity to look at different ways of continuing to bring the Gospel and to provide for all the parishes. The clergy can't do it alone.

On Tuesday evening, the first of the 'Lift Off!' meetings was held in church at 7.30-9.30pm. How radical are you? This is an opportunity for personal spiritual growth on a voyage of discovery, so bring your bible. See you next Tuesday? Contact Sue Shaw for more details.