Wednesday 26 September 2007

Wednesday, 26th September - Archaeologist's visit

The archaeologist visited the site yesterday and confirmed that the stones near the pillar on the south side, are most likely those of the original Saxon wall of the church. Several more fragments of bones have been found while clearing the floor level, along with some small metal objects. He took lots of photographs but we will have to wait for his report at the end of the project. When the trench is dug for the drainage pipe along the existing path to the road, it might have some interesting finds.

The ground is now being prepared and levelled for the infrastructure and is quite hazardous. The large bags which are in the compound are some of the materials for the flooring. There will also be more workmen on the site laying pipework, installing electrical ducts etc.
You may notice that the pulpit has been carefully removed from its location.
It seems that curiosity is getting the better of many folks passing by, but they are asked not to enter the church because of health and safety issues.

Monday 24 September 2007

Monday, September 24th - work ongoing

Clearance of the church has been ongoing to remove the waste in the skips and currently the last of the work is being done to clear the bell tower. The photo shows the bricks supporting the aisle, which have now gone. Otherwise there is little to report this week. (If you click on the photo, you should be able to view it in full screen and see the details.)
As with most things, the preparation takes the most time and usually more time than you anticipate.

You will be pleased to know that the thieves have not revisited us, and we hope they stay away, or better still, get caught. Actions are in place to protect the church better, but everyone is asked to continue keep a watch.

Thursday 20 September 2007

Thursday, 20th September - The thieves are back!

More bad news, I'm afraid. The same thieves who stole some of the roofing from the vestry on Sunday night were back again on Tuesday night for more. Are there any night owls out there who would be willing to keep an eye on the church and contact the police if they see anything suspicious? Please spread the word so these thieves can be caught. It's so sad that a Parish church as ancient as ours, is being abused by a few who would destroy it for their own greed. Parts of the building go back to Saxon times and worship took place on the site even earlier. Meanwhile progress is being made to the re-ordering work inside the church during the day. The bricks supporting the tiled aisles are being removed at present. Once the ground is cleared it will be levelled ready for the new floor to go in.

Monday 17 September 2007

Monday, 17th September - thieves!

Thanks to some watchful people, three thieves were spotted removing part of the roof from the vestry at the church last night (Sunday) ! The police were called and they escaped, however a good description of them and their car was given. Let's hope they'll soon be caught before they steal from other churches in the area. Unfortunately, they caused some damage which will need to be repaired as soon as possible, especially with this sudden cold, windy and rainy weather. Your continued watch over the church and your prayers, particularly at this time is most welcome. If you see anything suspicious please call the Police on: 0115 940 0999 ext.6370. All of the floor tiles and the majority of the old heating system have now been removed. Please be aware that a skip has now been placed on Station Road near the church gateway, which is needed to remove the waste. Unfortunately, it was not possible to place it within the church grounds, so please take more care than usual in that area.

Thursday 13 September 2007

Wednesday, 13th September - all the pews have gone.

With effect from yesterday, all the pews have now been sold and the last one will be collected soon. I hope that all of you who bought pews enjoy having a 'bit of history' from St Mary's Church in your homes. Your contribution to the project fund is most welcome. The archaeologist paid us a visit this week and had an initial view of the site and an explanation of what is planned. He has asked for some of our historic records and will paying another visit once the floor has been completely cleared. Work is ongoing to remove the tiles next. The large heating pipes around the perimeter of the nave have now been removed. It will be a nice change not to roast next to the pipes and freeze elsewhere when the weather is cold, and have all the heat rise instead of warming the congregation! The air inside the church has been very dusty and no doubt will be moreso once work begins on levelling the floor.

Sunday 9 September 2007

Monday, 10th September - Clearing the nave

The contractors have been in for one week and already all the pews have been carefully removed. In order to keep the area clear and prevent moving them more than necessary, the pews were sold as they were removed throughout the week.
Currently, there are still four pews remaining with people still interested. However, these have been attached to the north wall and have some damage to the one leg and need some repair.
It's not too late if you would like one of these pews, if others are unable or do not wish to have the repairs done.

The wooden plinths have also been removed leaving the area underneath exposed. The soil is extremely dry, and so far undisturbed.
Several large old stones can be seen in the Lady Chapel close to the first pillar (see front of picture), which were discovered in 1986 when work was last done in the church. These are said to be part of the early church foundations, and the only things of note found so far. Some small fragments of bone have also been found, which have been kept and will be reburied by the Rector.

The red, Victorian tiles are being removed next. These will be sorted, and the best ones cleaned and stored for reuse in the church.

Today, the contractor is planning to set up the compound for their equipment, put up signs and protect the site.

Your assistance is requested to keep an eye on St Mary's Church as there have been reports of thefts from churches and their buildings. Please let us know if there appears to be any work being done on the EXTERIOR of the church, because the only building work being done for us is INSIDE the church. If you are suspicious of anything, please call the Rector.

Rushcliffe Borough Council, Conservation Dept., has placed a notice on our board to indicate that the railings around the Bley Tomb will be replaced soon. This is the only other plan for outside the church. These railings were removed during World War II.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Wednesday, 5th September - How different things look.

So far, half of the pews have been removed and after a busy evening, they have gone to good homes.
Thanks are due to those who have taken them home and generously contributed to the project funds.

Thanks are also due to those who were kind enough to transport pews for others.

The remaining pews on the north wall are being removed today and have now all been reserved. There is even a waiting list, in case anyone changes their mind!

As you will see from the photo, the flooring has also been removed. The nave looks very different, I'm sure you'll agree.

You may feel sad that the pews have gone and will be replaced by chairs, but things change all the time. In 1882-1886 the nave was completely refurbished and the high box pews were removed and replaced. Even earlier, there were no pews at all!

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Tuesday, September 4th - What's under the pews?

Work has begun. Yesterday, the first few pews were removed and some of the plinth boards. One or two people who have reserved pews have been called to come and collect them. This will take place over a few days depending on how many pews have been removed, to allow people to arrange their transport and to ensure that we don't get in the way of the contractor. It's interesting to see just how thick the Victorian tiles are and how they've worn over the decades. They're not like the tiles we use today, that's for sure. The small amount cleared so far, under the pews and plinths is a sandy mixture, except where bricks support the tiles in the aisles. The archaeologist will be visiting once they reach the stage of disturbing the soil. We're hoping that they don't find anything, (even though it would be very interesting) as it could mean a delay to the work. You may have been travelling down Main Street this morning, and been held up by some workmen removing the manhole in front of the church. They were discussing the drainage pipework, which may be undertaken earlier while the weather is good. You are asked not to come and see what's going on, as the site will be become more hazardous underfoot as the work develops. Instead, we will try and keep you up to date on this blog.

Monday 3 September 2007

Monday, September 3rd! Today's the day.

Today, work has begun on the re-ordering of St Mary's Church! Yesterday, the church was emptied and everything stored ready, after a busy weekend of two weddings, two baptisms and our last service at 9.00 am. The list of alternative services and those in the Benefice are posted on a notice board on St Mary's Hall main door. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to visit our sister churches during this time. The contractor, P Waller Ltd has moved on to the site and will begin to remove the pews and flooring as soon as possible. If you have reserved a pew, you will be contacted to come and collect it as soon as they are available.