Tuesday 4 September 2007

Tuesday, September 4th - What's under the pews?

Work has begun. Yesterday, the first few pews were removed and some of the plinth boards. One or two people who have reserved pews have been called to come and collect them. This will take place over a few days depending on how many pews have been removed, to allow people to arrange their transport and to ensure that we don't get in the way of the contractor. It's interesting to see just how thick the Victorian tiles are and how they've worn over the decades. They're not like the tiles we use today, that's for sure. The small amount cleared so far, under the pews and plinths is a sandy mixture, except where bricks support the tiles in the aisles. The archaeologist will be visiting once they reach the stage of disturbing the soil. We're hoping that they don't find anything, (even though it would be very interesting) as it could mean a delay to the work. You may have been travelling down Main Street this morning, and been held up by some workmen removing the manhole in front of the church. They were discussing the drainage pipework, which may be undertaken earlier while the weather is good. You are asked not to come and see what's going on, as the site will be become more hazardous underfoot as the work develops. Instead, we will try and keep you up to date on this blog.

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