Monday 31 May 2010

The Big Church Day Out

You may have heard lots of noise on Saturday, 29th May coming from the Stanford Hall area. In case you didn't know, over 10,000 people of all ages from all across the country turned up for The Big Church Day Out. The weather wasn't too inspiring but the music, the theatre group and the performers were. Performers were on three different stages throughout the day and even the Stanford Hall Theatre was pressed into service. Music varied from rap, music from pop culture, traditional and classical. Well known performers mixed with the crowds and were eager to promote their latest CDs and talk to everyone. The whole experience was exciting and extremely well organised e.g. lots of food and parking. At Sunday's 10.00am service we welcomed Fulvio Ornato from the Church Army - not to be confused with the Salvation Army, who brought us stories of how they had helped people in various distressing situations, thanked us for our support and explained that their work could not continue without our help. Sometimes we feel helpless to help others, but these are ways we can help indirectly. We send our prayers and our support to them all.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

This June is for singing.

On Sunday we celebrated Pentecost and there was plenty of singing. We even had a special caked baked by Jan. Delicious as always.
If you like to sing, there are plenty of opportunities coming up.
This Saturday, 29th May, Spring Bank Holiday Weekend, the Big Church Day Out at Stanford Hall has lots of different musicians and music to sing along to, or just listen. See details below or in the column on the right.
On Saturday 5th June, St Mary's Church is hosting the Big Sing Day. The numbers of people interested is growing fast so now is the time to put your name down. Details on our website if you'd like to sign up on-line.
Don't forget! This Sunday, 30th May the morning service is at 10.00am instead of 9.30am. It is a United Parish Communion with Fulvio Ornato of the Church Army to preach.
That evening, there will be a United Evensong BCP 1662 at Stanford Church at 6.00pm.
Willersley Castle Weekend. It's that time again when we need to know how many people would like to go to on the Willersley Weekend on January 28th-30th 2011. This popular venue gets booked up very quickly, so we need you to sign on the list at the back of church now.

Thursday 20 May 2010


This Sunday, 23rd May, services will celebrate Pentecost, the day of the Holy Spirit descent on to the apostles and ends the church Easter period. This time was often thought of as the birth of Christianity when the apostles were given the support of the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel. Are you ready to take up the challenge? Are you being asked to do more for Jesus? There are many ways you can demonstrate your Christian faith. One is to support Christian events such as the Big Church Day Out at Stanford Hall on Sat. 29th May. This promises to be an exciting day out with the chance to hear different Christian music written or played by many familiar people. It's also a chance to get all the Christian churches together in one place, praise God and meet new friends. Abi, our Choir Mistress is planning an exciting day to gather all those who like to sing for the Big Sing Day, East Leake on Saturday 5th June. This is for adults and children, those who sing in a choir and those who just sing in the shower, those in a church and those who don't go to church. That's everyone! Who knows, we might even get a choir for the whole of East Leake! Come along and get involved - you never know where it might lead. Details on our website and you can sign up on-line.

Monday 17 May 2010

Planning for the future.

St Mary's congregation gathered after the 9.30am service on Sunday to receive a Presentation on the Vision for the church. As Jesus said, 'the harvest is great but the labourers are few'. We are ALL needed to do His work on earth. The presentation gave some ideas but it is only a start of what we can do. We can all come up with ideas, but we need to put them into action too.
Permission has now been given by the Diocese for the vestry roof repairs. Stage 1 is complete, but there is more to be done before the work can start.
Funds have been received from the Helen Jean Cope charity to pay for the Church Hall secondary double glazing, for which we're very grateful. We'd like to encourage the youngsters to play football in the park after three windows were broken in the Hall recently. The glass has caused a danger to all the Mother and Toddler groups, and the Dance classes who use the Hall every week.
St Mary's Womens Group had wonderful weather for their trip to Cambridge on Saturday. If you would like to join them, please go along to their AGM this evening at 8.00pm in the Hall.
The 'Here and Now' concert at Gotham was thoroughly enjoyed by all last Friday and Saturday evenings. Congratulations to all those involved whose time and hard work is much appreciated. Concerts take an enormous amount of time and effort to rehearse and produce and we are thankful to have such a dedicated group of people to bring much pleasure to the communities.
This week our Churchwardens, Graham Brown and Steven Barrow will join others for the Archdeacon's Visitation at St Giles Church, West Bridgford on Thursday at 7.30pm. You are welcome to go along to support all those giving of their time as Churchwardens in their parish. Please remember them in your prayers.

Friday 14 May 2010

Changes for everyone.

Practices, including the Hand Bell Ringers have been going ahead for the 'Here and Now' concert at St Giles Church, Gotham while frantic finishes are being made to the re-ordered church. There will be a special dedication service there by the Bishop on May 23rd, and to celebrate the day of Pentecost.
This weekend the St Mary's Womens Group will be off to Cambridge for the day. On Monday, 17th May they will meet in St Mary's Hall at 8.00pm for their AGM and will welcome Mrs Marie Males, the soon-to-be Mayor of Rushcliffe Borough Council, who will give a talk.
Now that we finally have a Government following the General Election, please remember all those involved in your prayers that they make the right decisions for everyone, and ones which God would have them make.
N.B. Please be aware that lead thieves are once again at work in our Deanery. We have not yet received permission from the Diocese to go ahead with repairs from our last theft. It is a slow business indeed.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Re-ordering at Gotham Church

The members of St Lawrence Church, Gotham are busy getting the church ready following a large re-ordering similar to that of St Mary's church in 2007. They too are having underfloor heating and have removed the pews to enable a more flexible use of the building.
This Saturday, the Borderlands Choir will be performing 'Here and Now' at their newly re-ordered church. I'm sure that many people in East Leake will be interested to see how the church looks now. So now is your chance. Go along to the concert for 7.30pm and you will see.
This week on Thursday, 13th there is a special Ascension Day Service at St Mary's Church, E Leake at 12noon.

Friday 7 May 2010

Big Events

Next Friday 14th and Saturday 15th May the Borderlands Choir will be performing 'Here and Now' at St Lawrence Church, Gotham at 7.30pm, and it's FREE! Please support our combined choirs and members from the cluster. The last production 'The Promise' was amazing.
At the end of May on Saturday 29th for one day only is 'The Big Church Day Out' held at Stanford Hall. It is music and celebrations for all denominations and all ages, and is attracting people from all around our area. Tickets start at £13 and the gates open at 11.00am. The event moves to Sussex for the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend, so take the chance of enjoying such an event on our own doorstep.
On Saturday June 5th, 10.30am-4.00pm is East Leake's 'Big Sing Day' at St Mary's Church for everyone who loves to sing. No previous experience is needed nor do you need to be able to read music. The fun workshops will be run by Suzzie Vango and include all kinds of music, finishing with a concert. Cost is £3 for adults and £2 for children. Bring your voice, your lunch and drinks will be provided.
You can register on-line on our website: or sign up on the form at the back of the church, which is open during the daytime.
This Sunday is the second Sunday of the month, therefore there will be a 'Worship together' Family Service at 9.30am as usual and 'Sunday Sanctuary' young people will be in the church at 5.00pm. There is something for everyone and we're always pleased to see you. There's no need to book and there's no charge! How easy can it be?

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Christian Aid Week starts this weekend

You will be receiving a Christian Aid envelope through your mailbox next week, and events start this weekend to raise funds for those less fortunate than ourselves. This means here in the UK and abroad. In spite of the economic problems we can spare a little for others, no matter how small. Jesus asks us to care for one another and give of ourselves and what we have to help them.
On Saturday, there will be the Christian Aid sale of plants, cakes and produce at the Methodist Church, so come early for the best choice. The sale starts at 10.00am until 12 noon.
No doubt everyone now knows that voting takes place on Thursday 6th May for the General Election.
Please use your vote - it really is important.