Monday 20 April 2009

St Mary's AGM tonight! Ask your questions.

Tonight is St Mary's Parochial Church Annual Meeting at 7.30pm in the church. Churchwardens and members of the 2009 PCC will be elected, so if you're a member of the church please come along and use your vote. We need you.
If you've attended St Mary's and are not yet a member, come along anyway and discover what goes on 'behind the scenes' at St Mary's, or even ask a question.
We are a very active church with lots of groups and events for everyone. Those who enable these events to happen, work extremely hard all year through and would welcome newcomers to join them. They can't do it all alone. So whatever your skills whether it's organising, computing, baking cakes, mowing and strimming, singing, bellringing, working with our community or praying, you are wanted and needed.
Come and join us - we're friendly lot and like a good laugh too.
Yesterday, we celebrated Revd Glynis's 10 years with us as our Rector. Members of the Benefice churches attended and participated in the service. Mr Jim Stanger, one of the Churchwardens from Stanford church, related some humorous memories, and Glynis received a card and a beautiful wood cross (in spite of not wanting a fuss), followed by plenty of refreshments.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Back to school. Don't forget St George!

As the children go back to school and the regular users of the Hall return, there are new events coming up to interest everyone.
We celebrate St George's Day on Thursday, 23rd April.
'Teatime Sunday' begins on Sunday, 3rd May. This is a new and exciting venture for St Mary's inviting young families for a video, hot meal and crafts in the Hall at 4.00-5.15pm.
A Wedding Fair at Stanford Hall on 10th May, 11.00am-4.00pm, with representatives from St Mary's Church and the Benefice.
'Concert Aid' for Christian Aid by Charnwood Concert Band, Sax Sensation on Saturday, 16th May at 7.30pm, St Mary's Church. Tickets: Adults-£6, Concessions-£5 and Children under 18-£3.
A day at Alton Towers for the Young People on Saturday, 9th May - Please see Lydia for details.

Monday 13 April 2009

Easter weekend.

A fit and determined group from our Benefice congregations left East Leake at 8.30am on the traditional Good Friday walk and arrived back on time at the end of the day. They walked and had a short service in all the churches in the Benefice and included Sutton Bonington. Meanwhile, the children who attended Crossways Club brought their families and took part in a service at St Mary's at 10.30am on the Friday. The shouts of 'Hallelujah' must have been heard in Loughborough! Their crafts were laid out around the church for everyone to see and appreciate, then taken home. On Easter Sunday morning at 9.30am, we welcomed many people from the community to celebrate the Good News that Jesus had died on the cross. But the tomb was empty and He rose from dead as He promised and is alive. We have all been saved if we follow Jesus' teaching and believe in Him. What good news! Jesus is with us forever. At the end of the service there was an exciting Easter Egg Hunt, and mini eggs for everyone. During this service, Brookside School presented Revd Glynis with a beautiful banner which they had made. We would like to thank all those who made it for our church.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Crossways Club learns that HE LIVES!

Crossways Club has been held this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at St Mary's Hall. Lots of excited children came along for stories, songs and crafts, and of course fun! Here are some of the crafts that the children made at Crossways. They also had some fun with a parachute. The stories told of what happened to Jesus from Palm Sunday through the week to Good Friday, and then on to Easter Sunday.
During that momentous week, people were gathering in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Passover. Jesus and his disciples were no exception. He explained that He was going to leave them soon, meaning He would be betrayed, arrested and hung on the cross to die (Good Friday). God had sent Him to show us how God wants us to live. Then He must die to take all our sins and evildoings upon Himself, so that we could have a new life free of sin and be able to communicate with God, who loves us all.
The Good News is that He didn't just die, He came back to life within three days (Easter Sunday) and is alive forevermore!

Monday 6 April 2009

Palm Sunday weekend events

The concert on Saturday by members of the Nottingham Youth Orchestra, ranging from 13-18yrs, thoroughly entertained an audience of approximately 70 people. The music was varied and the young people proved how dedicated they are to practising and performing on their instruments. We wish them lots of luck in their musical futures. On Palm Sunday, there was a lively service at the 9.30am at St Mary's. This was followed by an even livelier service and exciting parade at West Leake church, led by 'Danny Boy', one of the donkeys from Manor Farm Donkey Sanctuary.
Even Revd Glynis and Revd Claire had their photographs taken with him.
Lots of families brought the children to see him and he enjoyed all the attention. No doubt he will also enjoy the Easter Parade at the Sanctuary next weekend when the animals are dressed in their Easter bonnets.

Saturday 4 April 2009


School is out for the Easter holidays! That also means that our Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers won't be meeting in the Hall for the next two weeks. So, what will you do with your break? No plans? Well, come on along to St Mary's, where there is something for everybody. Today, Saturday 4th, there's a concert by members of the Notts. Youth Orchestra at 7.30pm in the church. There's a donkey parade tomorrow at 3pm at West Leake before the Palm Sunday service, as well as a special service at 9,30am at St Mary's. The Benefice Choir will lead the evening service at Stanford Church at 6pm.

On Monday, the first of the brief Compline services this week, begins at 8pm. St Mary's Womens Group will be providing hot cross buns, tea and coffee after the Monday service.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10-12 noon is Crossways Club for Key Stage 1 & 2 and helpers. There will be fun, stories, songs and lots of crafts. Bring the children along to register on Tuesday morning. And there's more!