Monday 27 August 2007

August 27th - The last 7 days to go!

Today is another unusually, sunny day of this Bank Holiday, which we're all enjoying. Tomorrow we begin in earnest to pack up the contents of the church before work starts next Monday.

However, there are still weddings and baptisms taking place and the church will need to left in good order and not quite empty!

The church will remain open until September 3rd for anyone wanting to take a last look or take photographs before the changes. After then, it will be off limits to everyone.
Those wishing to visit the Garden of Remembrance or tend graves will need to take care as access will be limited.

The sales of the pews is going well, having reserved 25 already.

The final construction drawings have now been received, and every effort is being made to ensure that the plans match the outcome.

We have also received and accepted an offer for the wood plinths, (see picture) and the income will be added to the funds for the project.

The total cost of the project is £150,000 and 97% of it has already been promised or raised.

Further updates will be placed here of course, on St Mary's website and in St Mary's Hall as our update board at the back of church will have served its purpose until closure.

Monday 20 August 2007

August 20th - Two weeks and counting!

Another week has flown by. Some of the non-essential items have been removed from the church and stored. Thank you to those who have given boxes and packing materials. The two tests have been done for Ground Contamination and Asbestos and we're not expecting any nasty surprises, thank goodness. Everyone is getting excited and planning to attend the alternative services at our Benefice churches. The pews are selling steadily, and adverts have gone into September's Compass and East Leake Times to tell the wider community. Currently, 19 have been reserved with a possible 5 more out of a total of 32. If you'd like one, please call soon. This week finds us storing more items as yesterday was the last day for our 9.30 am service. The next two Sundays will have 9.00 am said services. Many of us are planning to attend the 'Worship by the Water' service at Normanton Boat Club on Sunday, 26th August at 11.00 am.

Monday 13 August 2007

August 13th - Three weeks to go!

Things are hotting up! Today, the contract was signed with P Waller Ltd for the re-ordering. To comply with the legislation, a Ground Contamination Survey took place today but we'll have to wait for the results, which hopefully will tell us that there is none. The tests for Asbestos are due to take place on Friday for both the church and the hall. Again, we anticipate that there is none. Work began today to remove some of the non-essential items in the church and will be ongoing. The Diocese requires photographs to be taken of St Mary's church before the work takes place, and these have been done for the record. If you would like to come and take your own photographs before the interior is changed, you have three weeks in which to do it. The church is open during the day, but please check carefully that there are no services being held e.g. Wednesday 10.00 am or Funeral services. Publications are available in the church and in East Leake Times, to inform everyone of the times of the services in the Benefice churches. There are also request forms for those who can provide transport, and for those needing transport to the alternative services in these churches. The 11.00 am service arrangements for East Leake worshippers at the other churches in our Benefice during Sept. and Oct. are as follows: 9th Sept Stanford on Soar, 16th Sept West Leake, 23rd Sept Rempstone, 30th Sept Costock, 7th Oct Costock, 14th Oct Stanford, 21st Oct West Leake, 28th Oct Rempstone Other services will take place in St Mary's Hall as follows: Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday 6.00pm Informal Communion Wednesdays 10.00am Holy Communion Everyone is welcome to come to any or all of these services, especially any newcomers or visitors. The last 9.30 am Parish Communion service before the church closes will be on Sunday, 19th August. Otherwise there are 9.00 am services on Sunday, 26th August (said service) and Sunday, September 2nd. Don't forget to reserve a pew if you would like one when they are removed! There are 20 already reserved, out of the 32 available. Also, if you know of anyone who would be interested in the timber plinths, please let us know. We would like to sell what we can to assist in our fund-raising.

Monday 6 August 2007

August 4th update - Only four weeks to go!

The PCC has now appointed a contractor, P Waller Ltd, Nottingham for the re-ordering - see their website They were recommended along with three other contractors by the architect, who is a member of the Diocesan Advisory Committee. You may be interested to learn that they were the contractors for the East Leake Parish Offices, but they have experience of working on churches too. Mr Tony Sumpter will be the archaeologist appointed for the 'Archaeological Watch' over the project. He too, was highly recommended by the architect, Mr Mark Goodwill-Hodgson of Inclusive Designs, Nottingham. We are legally bound to provide certificates to the contractor for an Asbestos check and a Ground Contamination Report. Both the church and St Mary's Hall will be checked for asbestos on 17th August. Fundraising continues as applications need to be submitted at varied times, from the sources. Thank you to those who have offered to provide materials for packing the contents of the church. Old curtains, sheets, blankets, bubble-wrap, cardboard boxes are all still welcome. Initial work will begin on 13th August to remove and store non-essential items. The final clearance and storage will take place on Sunday, 2nd September, following a baptismal service.