Monday 28 December 2009

It's still Christmas!

Jesus has been born and we celebrate a number of things over the twelve days of Christmas. We hear of the people who were told about him and came to see him.
First were the shepherds, who couldn't wait to see for themselves what the Angel had told them.
Then came the Magi, the Wise Men from the East who came some time later after following the extra bright star to Bethlehem. This will be celebrated at Epiphany on Jan. 6th.
In the meantime, St Mary's continues to have various activities and services planned.

New Year's Eve party celebrations will be taking place too. Please contact Cora or Judith for details, or see Sunday's pew sheet.

On Friday, 1st Jan. according to our usual custom on New Year's Day, we shall have a 10.00am Holy Communion Service at East Leake and a special New Year Service at 12 noon at Stanford followed by a bring and share lunch. Everyone is welcome of course.

For the more active ones, the New Year's Day walk will take the well-tried route around Ruddington Park. Please meet outside the church at 11.00am. Please let Judith know if you will be attending the lunch afterwards at 16 De Ferrers.

Please note: On Sun. 3rd Jan. 4.00-5.30pm at St Mary's Church there will be a combined 'All Stars' and Teatime Sunday' Family Party for all children, their parents, grandparents and carers. Please come and join us.

A BIG THANK YOU to all those Mums and helpers who helped make the Advent Fun Afternoon such a success. Your help made all the difference!

Thursday 24 December 2009

A Joyful and Merry Christmas to everyone!

May we take this opportunity to wish everyone, especially those at St Mary's, the Benefice of churches and the South Notts. Cluster of churches and those of you who haven't yet joined us, a joyful Christmas as we attend our various churches this Christmas Eve to welcome the Christ child.
May you see the importance of His coming to show us how we are all forgiven our wrongdoing and our relationship with the all powerful God who loves us ALL is mended. Let's us go and praise Him today. See you there! Everyone is welcome and that means YOU! If you can't make it, join us in prayer at the same time. God knows who you are and your circumstances.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


Yesterday's Advent Fun Afternoon was very popular. Where did you all come from? It was wonderful to see so many children and their parents or carers. There were about 75 in all, which kept all the craft and refreshment ladies busy, helping them make decorated biscuits, glittery decorations, a tiny Nativity set. The church Christmas Tree looks beautiful now it's been decorated by the children too. It must have been thirsty and hungry work judging how much squash and cake disappeared! We hope you will all come back again for one or more of our Christmas Carol Services and any other service. See the times on the right for all services, or check out the website. We were pleased to meet Cora Fryer our new Outreach Worker on Sunday and again briefly at the Fun Afternoon. She's very busy at present moving house into East Leake from Warwick. There will be a special Teatime Sunday Party in the Hall on 3rd January at 4.00pm especially for young children and their parents and carers. Teatime Sunday meets every first Sunday in the month.

Monday 21 December 2009

Count down to our Saviour's birth.

Since the beginning of December we have been hearing of how the angel, Gabriel visited Mary and gave her the good news that she was to have a baby, who would be the Son of God and called Jesus. He was also to be called Emmanuel, which means 'God with us', because Jesus is God in human form. Joseph and Mary have been travelling to Bethlehem to register for the census, which must have been very uncomfortable for Mary, especially when they discovered that there was nowhere for them to stay. The time is now coming closer for when they arrive and the baby is born, which we celebrate on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile, the shepherds are in for a big surprise, and the Wise Men have already started their journey following the bright star in the sky. Today at 2.00pm, our Christmas tree will be decorated by all the children at St Mary's at our Advent Fun Afternoon and they will also be making crafts and enjoying party games and food. We hope you will join us. It's not just for children! If you have missed doing some Carol Singing so far, why not go along to Derbyshire House on Station Road and bring a little cheer to the residents tonight at 6.30pm.

Friday 18 December 2009

Third week of Advent

Last Sunday the third candle was lit for John the Baptist who was related to Jesus and who prepared the way for His arrival. He baptised people to wash away their sins, as we must ask God for forgiveness for ours. God sent His angels and ordinary people to spread the good news of Christ. On Sunday, the last one before Christmas, we light the pink and fourth candle for Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It is also known as the angels' candle, for those who came to tell of the Saviour's birth. This has been a week of carol services and parties and there's more to come too. On Monday, there will be an Advent Fun Afternoon for children and their families at 2.00-4.00pm at St Mary's. Now school has finished why not bring the children along for fun and games, and to decorate the church Christmas Tree? Carol Singing outside the Three Horseshoes turned out to be another cold weather pastime as it was last year. It was 1C degree this year! However, approximately 50 people braved the cold, dry weather to join us, and a collection was taken for one year old, Madison Sherwood, who needs full time carers. We wish all the best for Madison and her family.

Monday 14 December 2009

Fun times

The Twelve Days of Christmas was never like this! On Saturday, Distraction Theatre provided us with lots of laughter at the antics of the small cast doing their quick changes into all their characters.
The poor Miss Elizabeth was quite distracted after all the strange gifts she received from Mr Edward.
It all ended happily ever after as good stories do, when she agreed to marry him.
Are you ready to come Carol Singing tomorrow night outside the Three Horseshoes? It starts at 6.30pm. All funds raised will go to help little Madison who is one year old and has severe medical problems. Come for the fun, to sing or come to help Madison. We hope to see you there, whatever the weather.

Friday 11 December 2009

Getting ready for a busy week.

Tomorrow, Saturday 12th Dec. St Mary's will be hosting the Distraction Theatre's comical version of the Twelve Days of Christmas at 7.00pm. I hope you have your tickets ready. If not, please contact Chris on 853385 or Gill on 853278 asap! Get your chuckle muscles ready.
The 9.30am service on Sunday will be a little different as the layout of chairs will not yet have been moved from the night before.
After that you'll need to get your voice ready for Carol Singing at the Three Horseshoes on Tuesday, 15th at 6.30pm. Now the weather has turned much colder, you will need to dress warmly.
Later in the week all those belonging to the Uniformed Organisations e.g. Brownies, Guides etc. will be having their Carol Service on Thursday at 7.00pm.
Harry Carlton School, Year 7 will be having their Carol Service on Friday, 18th Dec. at 1.30pm.
Please note: The Coffee Morning WILL still go ahead on Friday morning, 18th Dec. before the school arrives.

Monday 7 December 2009

Advent - Week Two

This week we celebrate the Prophets who foretold the birth of Jesus. The second purple candle was lit yesterday to remind us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and that He was to be a King.
The Acorns will be getting excited as they will have their Christmas Party in St Mary's Hall tomorrow, Tuesday, 8th at 1.30pm.
St Mary's Hall Christmas lights are now being lit up each evening to join the church's Christmas tree and East Leake's lights.
*Don't forget to get your tickets for this Saturday's performance of the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' at St Mary's Church at 7.00pm. This is a fun filled evening suitable for lots of children and their families. Tickets cost £8 adults and £6 for children.
We have an urgent update from David and Dawn Curran: There was a terrorist attack in Lehore this evening, Monday, 7th Dec. They were in another part of the city at the time, but heard the explosions. They have asked for prayers for those affected, as it was targeted at a bazaar where there were many women and children at a busy time of day. We also pray that peace may come to this part of the world and that God will keep David and Dawn and their family safe.

Friday 4 December 2009

What's on and when this weekend?

Tomorrow, Saturday 5th a band concert is being held at 7.00-8.30pm at St Mary's Church by Elizabeth Holland's pupils for their parents.
On Saturday, 5th, 10-12noon, a Christmas Fayre is being held at the Catholic Church to raise funds for 'Help For Heroes'. Sending gifts directly to our forces is not being encouraged because of dangerous logistics, so we can help and support them through this charity.
On Sunday, 6th December it is the second Sunday of Advent, celebrating the Prophets.
Services are Holy Communion at 8.00am and 9.30am as usual, followed by 'Let's Praise' our new informal service at 11.15am.
At 4.00pm it is Teatime Sunday in St Mary's Hall for all young families.
Please note that Sunday Sanctuary for young people has finished until after the New Year.
People have been very generous bringing tinned and packet foods and toiletries for the Rainbow Project and needy local people. Every little helps. Please continue to bring your contributions to the church either on Fridays during our coffee morning 10-12noon or on Sundays at service times.
An Advent Study Course 'Waiting for God' is running during Advent. Please pick up a flyer and let the Rector or Claire know if you plan to come, and bring your Bible. The first session was held this week on Tues. 1st December. The next one is next Tuesday 7.30-9.00pm at the Rectory.
A big thank you to all who made up Christmas 'Shoe Boxes' to give to needy children. 403 boxes were collected from the East Leake Churches Together, and were dedicated at a service at the Catholic Church last Sunday. This year the boxes are being sent to Romania.