Friday 4 December 2009

What's on and when this weekend?

Tomorrow, Saturday 5th a band concert is being held at 7.00-8.30pm at St Mary's Church by Elizabeth Holland's pupils for their parents.
On Saturday, 5th, 10-12noon, a Christmas Fayre is being held at the Catholic Church to raise funds for 'Help For Heroes'. Sending gifts directly to our forces is not being encouraged because of dangerous logistics, so we can help and support them through this charity.
On Sunday, 6th December it is the second Sunday of Advent, celebrating the Prophets.
Services are Holy Communion at 8.00am and 9.30am as usual, followed by 'Let's Praise' our new informal service at 11.15am.
At 4.00pm it is Teatime Sunday in St Mary's Hall for all young families.
Please note that Sunday Sanctuary for young people has finished until after the New Year.
People have been very generous bringing tinned and packet foods and toiletries for the Rainbow Project and needy local people. Every little helps. Please continue to bring your contributions to the church either on Fridays during our coffee morning 10-12noon or on Sundays at service times.
An Advent Study Course 'Waiting for God' is running during Advent. Please pick up a flyer and let the Rector or Claire know if you plan to come, and bring your Bible. The first session was held this week on Tues. 1st December. The next one is next Tuesday 7.30-9.00pm at the Rectory.
A big thank you to all who made up Christmas 'Shoe Boxes' to give to needy children. 403 boxes were collected from the East Leake Churches Together, and were dedicated at a service at the Catholic Church last Sunday. This year the boxes are being sent to Romania.

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