Saturday 28 April 2012

St Mary's Annual Meeting!

All members of St Mary's Church are invited to attend the Annual Meeting on Monday, 30th April in church at 7.30pm. 
The Annual Report can be collected from the back of church any time before the meeting for you to view.

Voting will take place for all new members of the Council running for office for the coming years, depending on the position.  If you are on the Parish Register you will be able to vote, or run for office.

We welcome interested members who would like to participate in the running of the church, bringing new ideas and assistance.
It is not difficult and there are plenty of people who have already been in office to help you.
The more helpers we have the more our church is alive.  God has richly blessed us over the years and we give thanks in anticipation for all His blessings in the future.

This is also your opportunity to ask questions about the services, finance or the events we hold. 

Coming up this week:

Tuesday, 7.30pm - BibleFresh in church
Wednesday, 10.00am - Holy Communion
Thursday, 7.15pm - The last rehearsal of the Community Choir before the concert on 13th May in church.
Friday, 10.00-12.00noon - Weekly Coffee Morning in church
Next Sunday, 6th May, 9.30am - Parish Communion
4.00pm - Messy Church.

Christian Aid Week coming up. 13-19th May!
Collectors are desperately needed, so if you're able to deliver even to one street, it will help.  Contact Judith on 853126.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Today, April 23rd is St George's Day!

We celebrate the Patron Saint of England, St George today, but he is also the patron saint of many other countries too.  As with other special days, the flag is flying outside the church today.

Yesterday, we welcomed John Bentham our Area Dean to our 11.00am service.  The theme for the day was related to the first of our BibleFresh studies of the Bible which started last Tuesday, starting with Genesis, how God made the world, followed by the call of Abram and God's covenant with him.

Tuesday, 24th, 7.30pm.The next BibleFresh meeting in St Mary's church. Just come!
At 2.00pm the Banner Group meets at the Catholic Church.  These are a group of ladies who enjoy embroidery and have made some beautiful banners and various items for the churches in East Leake. Anyone can belong - just come!

Thursday, 26th April, 2.00pm. Games Afternoon! Come along to the last Games Afternoon until September at St Mary's Church. Lots of refreshments available.

Thursday, 26th April, 7.15pm Community Choir practice at St Mary's Church. Don't forget there's to be a concert on Sunday, 13th  May with just one more practice on 3rd May.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Don't have time to read your Bible? We can help.

BibleFresh. Tuesday, 17th April, 7.30pm.
We are starting weekly meetings at St Mary's Church to rediscover the Bible. 
This is for new and regular readers of the Bible.  If you don't have a Bible, we can provide one.

The readings for each week are on St Mary's Church website on the BibleFresh page, and you can read at home, or catch up on Sundays at the 9.30am service if you can't make the meeting, as the topics will be the same.

Try to come to some of the meetings where you can ask questions and share the readings.
Please note! No question is too daft! Feel free to ask.

St Mary's Women's Group Fashion Show!
Monday, 16th April, 8.00pm in St Mary's Church.
Major High Street Stores fashions are brought to you to view, try on and buy.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Easter Sunday Services!

Come and join us on Easter Sunday morning to celebrate Jesus was crucified yet He is alive!
Services begin at 8.00am with Holy Communion Prayer Book Service.
9.30am Parish Communion Service for all the family.
You are still very welcome if you've never taken Holy Communion before, just come and join us.
If you can't make it to a service at St Mary's, East Leake, there are services at
West Leake at 10.00am - Holy Communion Prayer Book Service
Costock at 11.00am Parish Communion
Rempstone at 11.00am Parish Communion
Stanford at 6.00pm Holy Communion

Wednesday 4 April 2012

'On Your Marks....' Easter Club

St Mary's helpers were kept extremely busy leading their young charges over the past three days at this year's Easter Club called 'On Your Marks...'. 

There were games, crafts, songs, Bible verses, stories and awards to win. 

The Club was based on a Sports theme, since the Olympics are being held in London this summer.

 After the three mornings, there was an Awards ceremony for the team winners followed by a hot dog lunch before all the excited youngsters went home.

More pictures are on our website.
Many thanks are due to everyone involved in the planning, decorating, running the cooking, crafts and games, not forgetting the clearing up, for all their hard work to make this happen for the children in the East Leake Community.

If anyone would like to come along and help next time, please get in touch with any of the leaders today, the Rector or just email us on: stmary'

Monday 2 April 2012

Donkey Procession on Palm Sunday

PALM SUNDAY AT ST MARY'S CHURCH, EAST LEAKE. The weather was sunny and warm for the Palm Sunday Procession with the donkey yesterday at 3.30pm and lots of children and their parents came to join us. A short service took place followed by 'Messy Church', full of fun, games and refreshments for all.

Messy Church is becoming a very happy and popular place to be every 1st Sunday of the month at 4.00pm at St Mary's. Why not come and join us next month?

We send our thanks to the staff at Manor Farm for bringing the donkey, who walked all the way from the Donkey Sanctuary to the church.

Today, the children are returning to join our Easter Club for the next three days. 'On Your Marks...' starts at 9.15am - 12.15pm each day, with an award ceremony and a hot dog lunch on the last day, Wednesday.
If you missed today, you're not too late but you will need to register your child at the door, first.

Pictured are some of the 'Make a Mother’s Day' cards given in memory of a mother and displayed in our headquarters at Mary Sumner House.
Our MU is very active and their 2012 schedule can be viewed on our website on the Groups/Mothers Union page.  New members are always very welcome.