Sunday 29 July 2012

Are you in Olympic mode?

An Olympic Challenge.
So after Friday's amazing Opening Ceremony in London, we are all in Olympic mode, whether we follow sport or not.  St Mary's held a sports-based BBQ and Quiz yesterday attended by a good number of families taking part at the brook, in the churchyard, as well as indoors. The weather was good and the children certainly enjoyed themselves.

Sunday morning, we welcomed Canon Haydock who spoke about transformation and challenged us, as the athletes are being, and think about how we will show people and transform their lives as Christians.

Now is your opportunity during the holidays to meet new people, talk to them and make them welcome wherever you may be - holidaying abroad, in the UK or here in East Leake.
Wanted. New Webmaster! St Mary's has a challenge for you too. The Webmaster is stepping down and we are looking for someone who would like to keep our website and blog going.  There is an opportunity to change the look of our website/blog and use some fresh ideas.
YOU might just be the person who has been wanting to try out your ideas.  NOW is your chance!
Please contact us either by email:  or contact Pat Brown on 820094 or anyone on the P.C.C.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Bye Abi and best wishes.

Last Sunday at the 9.30am service there were lots of gifts and good wishes for Abi, our Director of Music, Organist and Choir Leader who has left to have a baby in September.  We held a small tea party for people to say farewell and thank you to her that afternoon too.

In September, we will be welcoming Chris Ebbern to take on this role. Chris is already known to our congregation as he has covered for Abi on several occasions.

We also had a visiting speaker, James Archer of the Church Army at the morning service. He told us of the work of one of the Street Pastors and how he has helped those who wander and sleep on the streets and have no-one who cares about them. We all have a role to fill as Jesus' representatives in our world, caring for one another no matter how small our contribution.

School finishes for the summer this Friday for schools in Nottinghamshire, and Leicestershire schools have already finished.

This Sunday is our Encounters service at 9.30am for all ages.  For those who prefer a more traditional Holy Communion Service there is one at 11.00am.

Don't forget!  Your tickets for the Family Olympics Quiz on Saturday 28th July, 5.00-7.30pm at st Mary's to celebrate the start of the Olympics. £5 per family, £2 per adult. Contact Cora or Steph.
Open to anyone from East Leake!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Everyone welcome - we mean it!

St Mary's Church, East Leake welcomes you all!
Forget about the rainy weather and come along at 9.30am this Sunday, 8th July with your family for our lively Worship Together service.

On Sunday, 15th it will be Open Churches Day for all churches in the Southwell and Nottingham Diocese when everyone is welcome to come into the churches.  You are welcome to our 9.30am service at St Mary's Church, East Leake or just pop in, in the afternoon.

Coming up! Olympic Family Quiz and BBQ
Saturday, 28th July, from 5.00-7.30pm at St Mary's Church.
Tickets £5 per family, £2 per adult and £1 per child. Contact: or Cora Fryer: 07855635374.