Monday 11 November 2013




A concert for all the family on
Saturday 14th December, 7.30pm.
Voice, piano and organ solos, choir items, hand bells and seasonal poetry by the W.I
Tickets cost: £7.00 per person & £15.00 for a family of 4.

Chris Ebbern 0115 9722131,
Steven Barrow 01509 856202 or
Pat Brown 01509 820094 to buy your ticket.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

St Mary's Churchyard Garden of Remembrance.

St Mary's Church is applying to the church authorities for a Faculty (equivalent to planning permission) to replace the grass in the Garden of Remembrance with chippings. This work is to ease maintenance of the area.
The work will involve laying a weed membrane directly below the memorial stones after skimming off the turf.
There will be no disturbance to the interred ashes.
Maintenance of the churchyard is the responsibility of the Parish Council, enhanced by the hard work of a small team of volunteers who give up some of their time to maintain it in its current state.
Notices are being displayed in the Garden, indicating to whom any representations should be made, together with a closing date for comments.
Please note that the picture is of the churchyard, NOT the Garden of Remembrance.
If you wish to have further information, please contact Conrad Oatey: Tel 852549 or email the church on .

It's all happening!

The concert last Saturday by the Brian Humpherson Jazz Quintet was a fantastic evening, demonstrating the amazing musical skills of the members.  Again, the church was full and everyone enjoyed the evening.

We're getting closer to Rev'd Tim's Licensing (Wed. at 7.30pm) and expect the church to be packed.  So if you're planning to come, make sure you come early to get a seat as there are lots of specially invited guests. The congregation is looking forward to welcoming Tim and working with him.

Don't forget, that on Friday is our annual Charity Christmas Card Fair and Coffee Morning from 10.00am-12.00noon held in the church.