Monday 27 August 2007

August 27th - The last 7 days to go!

Today is another unusually, sunny day of this Bank Holiday, which we're all enjoying. Tomorrow we begin in earnest to pack up the contents of the church before work starts next Monday.

However, there are still weddings and baptisms taking place and the church will need to left in good order and not quite empty!

The church will remain open until September 3rd for anyone wanting to take a last look or take photographs before the changes. After then, it will be off limits to everyone.
Those wishing to visit the Garden of Remembrance or tend graves will need to take care as access will be limited.

The sales of the pews is going well, having reserved 25 already.

The final construction drawings have now been received, and every effort is being made to ensure that the plans match the outcome.

We have also received and accepted an offer for the wood plinths, (see picture) and the income will be added to the funds for the project.

The total cost of the project is £150,000 and 97% of it has already been promised or raised.

Further updates will be placed here of course, on St Mary's website and in St Mary's Hall as our update board at the back of church will have served its purpose until closure.

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