Monday 17 May 2010

Planning for the future.

St Mary's congregation gathered after the 9.30am service on Sunday to receive a Presentation on the Vision for the church. As Jesus said, 'the harvest is great but the labourers are few'. We are ALL needed to do His work on earth. The presentation gave some ideas but it is only a start of what we can do. We can all come up with ideas, but we need to put them into action too.
Permission has now been given by the Diocese for the vestry roof repairs. Stage 1 is complete, but there is more to be done before the work can start.
Funds have been received from the Helen Jean Cope charity to pay for the Church Hall secondary double glazing, for which we're very grateful. We'd like to encourage the youngsters to play football in the park after three windows were broken in the Hall recently. The glass has caused a danger to all the Mother and Toddler groups, and the Dance classes who use the Hall every week.
St Mary's Womens Group had wonderful weather for their trip to Cambridge on Saturday. If you would like to join them, please go along to their AGM this evening at 8.00pm in the Hall.
The 'Here and Now' concert at Gotham was thoroughly enjoyed by all last Friday and Saturday evenings. Congratulations to all those involved whose time and hard work is much appreciated. Concerts take an enormous amount of time and effort to rehearse and produce and we are thankful to have such a dedicated group of people to bring much pleasure to the communities.
This week our Churchwardens, Graham Brown and Steven Barrow will join others for the Archdeacon's Visitation at St Giles Church, West Bridgford on Thursday at 7.30pm. You are welcome to go along to support all those giving of their time as Churchwardens in their parish. Please remember them in your prayers.

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