Monday 26 January 2009

Looking forward.

It's the last week of January, gloomy and we've eaten the last of our Christmas goodies. Are we downhearted? Of course not. The snowdrops are coming out in St Mary's churchyard - a sign of Spring, and it's darker later each evening. We'll soon see the churchyard teams mowing and cleaning up each week, starting in March. Your help is needed! Can you help one Saturday morning every few weeks? If you're going through a bad patch, it's good to get out, keep active and meet someone to talk to - and to help to someone else. St Mary's has lots of exciting events planned. Come and join us and help plan them - it's part of the excitement. It will take your mind off all the doom and gloom in the news.

Friday Coffee Mornings 10-12noon - The first one is next week (6th Feb) in the church. If you haven't had a chance to call into St Mary's yet come along.

Wedding Fayre on Feb 28th, 10.30-3.-30pm We have lots of suppliers coming to show their wares and Revd Glynis will be available to talk through any questions you have.

  • A Prayer and Spirituality Day is planned for Saturday, March 21st - an event by Revd Glenn Martin and Revd Janet Gorick. More details to follow.

Don't forget Acorns are meeting this Tuesday, 27th at 1.30pm in the Church Hall and every two weeks. All Mothers and toddlers are welcome - and it's free.

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