Friday 5 July 2013

It's cool!

Finally, summer has arrived but we're not prepared for the mid 20's yet.  If you're looking for something for the family that's fun and really cool, why not come to St Mary's this Sunday.  Why?  Because it's Messy Church week! 

Messy Church time! It's a chance to tell the children about the amazing life of Jesus and what he taught us and there's crafts, songs and refreshments. There's always lots of families there.

And for adults - on Tuesday at 12.00 noon there's the second in the series of The Quiet Interlude, run by John O'Nions.  Everyone is welcome to come and discover just for an hour, the antidote to life’s strains and stresses.

Coming up!
Open Churches Weekend in the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham - July 20/21st. St Mary's Church will be open both days to anyone who would like to drop in.  Refreshments will be available. Come on in and meet us, there's no pressure.
Find out what we're doing for YOU in the community and look around. There's something for everyone. 
Don't be a stranger - you don't have to be a Christian, you don't have to be perfect (we're not) or if you'd just like to talk to someone or just generally look around, what are you waiting for?

Have you missed the blog being updated?  It's because we could do with a little help updating it.  Would you like to 'have a go'?  Tell someone at the Open Churches days or a member of our PCC. We'd love to have you on board.

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