Tuesday 4 December 2012

Fun on Sundays

Everyone had great fun last Sunday, the first of Advent - a great way to celebrate the coming of our Lord. 
It started with several of our young people being admitted to Holy Communion at the 9.30am Service accompanied by their sponsors and families.

In the afternoon it was a happy, noisy, messy craft fun time for adults and children.  There were approximately 50-60 children and their families coming to join in with the crafts and games before Messy Church.

Next Sunday, 9th Dec. it's even busier. 
8.00am Holy Communion Service
9.30am Worship Together with a Nativity. 
We're hoping that lots of children will come and join in the Nativity as angels or shepherds.
3.00pm there is a Carol Concert with solos and duets, led by our Music Director, Chris Ebbern.
6.00pm Holy Communion Service.

The week following there is:
Monday 10th, 2.15pm - Mothers' Union
Wednesday 12th, 2.00pm - W.I. Carol Service.
Thursday 13th, 1.30pm - Games Afternoon at St Mary's Church.
Friday, 14th, 10.00-12.00noon - Weekly Coffee Morning.

Everyone is welcome to any or all of these events.  We look forward to meeting and getting to know you.

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