Monday 12 July 2010

Planning for our church's mission.

The work of the church doesn't just happen. It takes planning, co-ordination and hard work. The clergy staff and St Mary's PCC (Parochial Church Council), who are ordinary members of the congregation were busy all Saturday at an Away Day at the Convent, discussing the vision for the church. This ranged from how we help each other grow in our faith, to caring for and including others in all our services and events - what we all as Christian should be doing in our lives.
The brainstorming sessions were quite intense but the delicious 'bring and share' lunch proved a welcome break, as well the opportunity to walk in the wonderful gardens in the sunshine for a quiet time. Further work on developing the ideas is continuing and we need everyone to make them happen. Our Mission for the church to grow cannot happen without YOUR help. There will be updates on the outcomes and if you have any questions, PLEASE ask any member of the PCC or the staff team. It is hard to keep everyone up to date with all that's going on, but we'll keep trying!
One of the ways we will be working with those in the community is the Grand Day Out planned for next week on Thursday, 22nd July. Please see our website and the Forthcoming Events column. There is a meeting tomorrow to finalise the plans and LOTS of helpers are needed. Can you help for a part of the day, or with refreshments? Come along to the meeting at 7.30pm and discover what's needed, then join in the fun on the day.
Please check out our website for Dawn and David Curran's latest letter to us all from Pakistan.
Next Sunday, 18th July, 6pm is a special service at Stanford on Soar church to celebrate David Chapman's 60th Anniversary as Organbuilder. There will be a special Choral Evensong with the combined choirs of the East Leake Benefice with David Jackson as organist.
There is also an Evening with Carlo Curley on Friday 23rd July at 7.30pm at Stanford on the magnificent Wills organ. Tickets are £10 adults, £5 for age 16 and under to include light refreshments. Contact Sue on 0787 9861599 or David Chapman.

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