Tuesday 27 April 2010

Concert events and the Election.

Last Sunday the concert at St Helena's Church, West Leake was very well attended and very much enjoyed. We hope that the St Peter's Choir, Nottingham raised a good sum towards their organ.
This week rehearsals continue for the concert at the newly re-ordered St Lawrence Church, Gotham by the Borderlands Choir on 14th and 15th May, entitled 'Here and Now'. Several members of St Mary's Church are part of the choir or manage the sound systems. The concert is free and previous concerts have been very popular, so put the dates in your diary and go along.
Don't forget that as we approach the Bank Holiday May Day weekend, that the General Election takes place the following Thursday. Please don't get turned off by all the hype and confusion. Your vote is important now more than ever in our troubled country. This is your chance to make a difference, so use the time to relax, pray and think through carefully where, as Christians your vote should go.

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