Saturday 24 October 2009


Don't forget to change your clocks by turning them back one hour, preferably tonight, Saturday, or you'll be too late for church in the morning! Don't panic though, because you'll get an extra hour to wake up! This time of year is a time to think of others before you start planning your Christmas present shopping. We know there are plenty of people out there struggling to cope, but there are always more people in a worse situation. At least we have not suffered from disasters like some. Please give a thought to making someone else happy this Christmas. It will make you happy too. Please help our Christmas Shoe Box Appeal - 'Operation Christmas Child'. If you have a shoe box packed with lots of small goodies for a needy child, please bring it to church tomorrow or any day when there is a service. Please DO NOT leave it in the church if there is no-one to receive it, though. The deadline for receiving the gifts is November 22nd, so you have plenty of time. If you need details of what to include, there is information at the back of church, or check on

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