Monday 11 May 2009

Wedding Fair at Stanford Hall & Christian Aid Week

A big thank you to those who took turns yesterday on the stand for St Mary's Church and Benefice at the Stanford Hall Wedding Fair, especially Chris and John O'Nions, Gwen and Peter Edwards and Margaret Sutton. Throughout the afternoon it was well attended by over 200 people, many of whom stopped at our stand to chat and ask questions.
There were 44 stands in total and several very smart cars (and a bus!) parked out front on display.
For those interested in the Hall, many of the rooms have been beautifully decorated, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
Christian Aid Week 10-16th May. You are likely to receive a Christian Aid envelope through your door this week. Please contribute whatever you can to this worthy charity. Don't forget there will be a concert by Sax Sensation, in aid of the charity this Saturday at 7.30pm too at St Mary's Church.

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