Tuesday 10 February 2009

We want to hear from YOU!

Planning is taking place for Lent and during this time, the Rector would like to hear from you about your thoughts and ideas on worship; what we already do and what you might like to see instead.
Now is your chance to put forward your thoughts, both pro and con, using the short Questionnaire at the back of church. If you haven't had a copy, please ask for one. Your thoughts and ideas are important to help our church grow and welcome others.
There will be plenty of opportunities to attend meetings during Lent in East Leake at our local Churches Together members' churches and around the S Notts. Cluster of churches. Details will be put on this blog and on our website closer to the time.
At St Mary's, services for Lent will start with the 10.00am celebration of Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday, 25th February. You are invited to join in a Cluster Service of Holy Communion at Gotham Parish Church that evening too.
Electoral Rolls Annual PCC meetings will be held in March and April (St Mary's is on 20th April) and the Electoral Rolls are being brought up-to-date before these meetings. If you attend services regularly in one of our Benefice churches and are not on the roll, please ask at your church for an application form.
Willersley Castle, Derbyshire. Bookings are now being taken for the weekend Fri 29th - Sun. 31st Jan. 2010. You can pick up a leaflet at the back of church and sign up to go. Costs will be £110 per adult (all inclusive) with reductions for children. A deposit of £10, payable to PCC East Leake is requested by Sunday 22nd March.
There are spaces for about 75, so sign up soon. This is a very popular weekend in a beautiful, warm and comfortable setting (and the food.... well it's so good you'll have to come and see for yourself). There is plenty to do, or not, as you choose.

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