Wednesday 6 August 2008

Tending the gardens

St Mary's has a rota of small groups of volunteers who work extremely hard tending the churchyard and the Garden of Rest each week throughout the summer. You may have seen them mowing and strimming on Saturdays. They are the reason that our churchyard always looks so beautiful, especially for events such as weddings.
As you will appreciate flowers and plants grow and die very quickly during the summer weather. A plea is going out to anyone who would like to help maintain the Garden of Rest, perhaps in pairs. This involves removing the dead flowers and moving the pots so that the grass between the plaques can be mowed. It is very labour intensive and difficult to maintain by the same groups of people.
If you can help occasionally, please contact Ann on 852885. It would be very much appreciated.
Thanks is given to all those who attended the combined party for the celebrants of three 70th birthdays and the Golden Wedding in June, when £865 plus Gift Aid making nearly £1,000, was raised for the charity Practical Action.

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