Monday 9 June 2008

Talents are for using.

It was a busy weekend at St Mary's and there's more to come!

There were approximately 40 people at the 'Meet the Mothers' Union' event on Friday evening. Several expressed an interest in joining or rejoining after a presentation, video and refreshments. Sue Waterstone also gave a talk on her visit to Natal and 'a good time was had by all'.

On yesterday's Commitment Sunday at the 9.30am service, the 'First Fruits' responses were being received, for those wishing to contribute their resources, time and talents to the work of the church. The existing, hardworking teams look forward to sharing the load, as many hands make light work.

Sunday evening at 6.00pm the Combined Benefice Service of Praise was held to mark John Sprake becoming Reader Emeritus, and to celebrate his gift of music. The music for the evening was from his recently published book of hymns. Our regular services already include his music. We are very lucky to have John using his wonderful talents for our church. Do you have a talent you'd like to share?

Next Sunday, 15th June, Father's Day
we will be having a very special service at 9.30am for all Dads, Sons, Step-Dads and Grandads! We will also be welcoming Tim Friend, Sports Ambassador for the Diocese. You may like to join us for warm bacon rolls first. It should be a fun and lively affair. Please come along and join us - even if you're not a Dad!

Please note: the bus to Claire Goode's Ordination on Sunday 26th at 11.00am at Southwell Minster is now full. However, if you would still like to go, please contact Steven Barrow as there are others going by car.

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