Wednesday 23 April 2008

Today is April 23rd, St George's Day!

The Church has many Saints to celebrate, but St George is England's patron saint. We share him with other countries e.g. Catalonia (Spain), Portugal, Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia, Moscow. Almost all celebrate on April 23rd each year, the traditionally accepted date of his death and martyrdom in 303 AD.

Little is known of his life except that he was a martyr. Most of the stories about him were written by William Caxton in 1483, such as his fight with a dragon to save a lady.

We should celebrate our patron saint as we do others - and who was someone to be honoured for his martyrdom.

Do you have trouble remembering the date? Try 2-3-4, the 23rd of the 4th month!

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