Friday 28 December 2007

Ready for the New Year 2008!

The church had an amazing number of people attending all four of the Christmas Eve Services and the feedback was excellent. There are still some things to be resolved, but over all it was light, warm and welcoming, and there was a definite exciting atmosphere.

The organ has been struggling with the dust and grit but is being worked on. However, it sounded wonderful at the services, as did the Choir and Music Group, given the new sound system and the improved acoustics.

Following the re-ordering, St Mary's Church is to be featured in the March/April issue of Church Buildings Magazine.

We are now ready for the New Year and some exciting events. Some of the things planned are as follows:

Christingle Service on Sunday, 6th January at 3.00pm followed by a tea in St Mary's Hall. Families whose children who have been baptised at St Mary's recently will be invited to join in. This has been a successful and enjoyable event in previous years. If you would like to know more or help, please call S Shaw on 820252.

'Back to Church Sunday' on 13th January at 9.30am and 6.00pm. Invite your friends, family and neighbours who used to attend church but haven't been lately. They might just want to be asked so give them a personal invitation.

'Opera Unmasked' a concert given by Trio Musicale, on Saturday, January 19th at 7.30pm will present music from the classics to Gilbert and Sullivan. Tickets are £6 (£2 for children -16) which can be obtained from R Barrow (856202) or The Rectory (852228).

Churches Together - week of prayer for Christian Unity, E Leake Baptist Church - Sunday 20th January We are lucky to share events with other churches from East Leake. Come along and meet some new friends.

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