The Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham will visit the Church of St John the Baptist at Stanford on Soar to preach at the church's patronal festival this Sunday, 26th June. The service will be a Festal Evensong at 6.00pm and will be a United Benefice service. All are welcome to attend.
A very happy time was spent last Sunday, Father's Day at our special service. Everyone was offered a warm 'Bacon Buttie' and coffee or tea before the service and each Father was given a chocolate bar afterwards. Two fathers were interviewed and asked for their thoughts and blessings of being a father. Thanks are due to all those involved in the planning and cooking the breakfast.
This Sunday, St Mary's Church will be holding one of its monthly, more informal 'Encounters' services at 9.30am followed by the more formal Holy Communion BCP service at 11.00am, so you can choose which you would prefer to attend. Or you can attend both! Come and try them out. Everyone is welcome of course.
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