This 6th Sunday of Lent is Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem for the Jewish Feast of the Passover. The people were excited to see Him and laid down palm branches and their coats in His path and shouted 'Hosanna', which originally meant 'Save us' for help promised or on its way.
Sunday at 3.00pm at West Leake, there will be a donkey leading the parade to the church to celebrate this event.
9.30am special services at St Mary's will be a little different from the usual, and all are welcome. Come and hear the Easter story.
The Benefice choirs will lead a
United Service of Passiontide music 'God so loved the world' at Stanford at 6.00pm.
This week, the
Abbot Club will be meeting at the Nag's Head on Thursday 2nd at 8.00pm, following their successful 'A Question of Sport' held at Heat Restaurant a few weeks ago. Five teams entered the contest: East Leake Bantams, E.L. Rugby Club, Sutton Bonington Tennis Club, Notts. Rugby Club and St Mary's team. Tim Friend, our Sports chaplain and Christians in sport hosted the evening.
Don't forget the Concert on Saturday 4th at 7.30pm at St Mary's by members of the Notts Youth Orchestra.
Please note: The Mud Pie Club will NOT be meeting this Friday in the Hall. The next session will be on 24th April after Easter.
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