At 3.30pm there will be the Procession with Manor Farm's donkey followed by Messy Church for everyone at 4.00pm.
Why don't you come and join us and you might like to bring your camera?
Easter Holiday Club - 'On Your Marks' sports theme.
Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd , Wednesday 4th April, 9.15am -12.15pm. Don't forget to register your child. See St Mary's website, or Compass for the registration form or contact Cora.
Compline Service, 8.00pm. - Also, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
N.B. Wednesday's Holy Communion Service will be held at Derbyshire House at 10.00am.
Maundy Thursday, 5th, 10.00am Holy Communion
7.00pm Seder Meal recreating the Passover Meal
GOOD FRIDAY, 6th, 10.00am - Family Service
2.00pm - An Hour at the Cross service
EASTER SUNDAY - 8.00am Holy Communion Service
9.30am Parish Communion Service