Time passes quickly and Epiphany ends as Feb 2nd starts with the Feast Day of Candlemas (Candle Mass) and the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. In the church we celebrate Candlemas, the mid point of winter when long ago the candles were brought into church and blessed, in a time when there was no electric light and light was important.
In America they celebrate Ground Hog Day on the 2nd too with a bit of fun - trying to tell how long winter will last.
Messy Church is back for 2012, starting this Sunday 5th at 4.00pm and will continue on the 1st Sunday of every month. Please come and join us for fun, crafts, food and a short informal worship at St Mary's. The atmosphere is relaxed and you can stay for as long or as little as you like. Everyone is welcome, but all children must come with an adult.
We have a thriving group of Uniformed Organisations meeting at St Mary's Hall from 2 groups of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. However, the
Rangers are needing a dynamic adult to take over a well run unit. Please contact Pauline Hargraves on 559266 or Janine Luck on 820071 if you are interested. It's a lot of fun!
After our successful concert on 21st January by the Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir and their wonderful soloist, we have another special concert planned for your enjoyment.
Loughborough Concert Band, 10th March, 7.30pm. £6 adult, $2.50 for accompanied children including light refreshments. Tickets are now available from Steven on 856202 or you can contact us on stmarys@eastleake.net.
St Mary's Mothers' Union change of venue for February 13th.
Please note that the meeting will be held at
2.15pm in ST MARY'S HALL.
And finally......
Everyone who attended
Willersley Castle at the weekend had a wonderful time away of relaxation, singing, activities and worship, taken well care of by all the staff at Willersley as usual.
It takes a lot of planning and organisation. Thank you to all the volunteers from St Mary's who worked so hard to make it a success.