September is Harvest time and time for us all to be thankful for everything that God has provided for us. Thanks for the harvest in the fields, in the hedgerows, in the gardens and what we produce from all this goodness; baking, bottling and jam making. Have you taken a walk lately and looked for blackberries, or picked plums or apples? Don't let it go to waste.
Please come along and share the
Harvest Thanksgiving Services at St Mary's and the Benefice as follows:
St Mary's Church, East Leake: Sunday 25th Sept, 9.30am (instead of 'Encounters').
Holy Communion at 8.00am
N.B. No 11.00am Service
Fruit and vegetables will gratefully received, especially non-perishable foods which will be donated to the
Friary Drop-in, West Bridgford, which helps homeless people.
SOS Friary Drop In. -
Urgently needed non perishable food for this centre. Please donate tins, packets etc. in the box at the back of church. Use your BOGOF or 2 for 1's purchases to help. Thank you.
St Giles Church, Costock: Sunday 25th Sept 3.00pm
Monday 26th Sept. 7.00pm: Harvest Supper in Costock Village Hall. Price is £8.50 to include wines, soft drinks and food. Contact Mary on 852118 or Joan on 853244. An auction of the harvest produce and a raffle will be held. Contributions and helpers very much welcomed.
All Saints Church, Rempstone: Sunday 2nd Oct. 3.00pm
Monday, 3rd Oct. 7.00pm: Traditional Harvest Supper in Rempstone Village Hall. Price £6.00 (adults) £3.50 (children under 11yrs) for three course hot meal. Bring your own drinks. Contact 880171 or 880749 for tickets.
St John the Baptist Church, Stanford on Soar and St Helena's Church, West Leake sharing the Thanksgiving Service: Sunday 18th Sept. 6.00pm
Both churches will share a Bring and Share Harvest Tea at 4.30pm before the service. All contributions of produce will be for sale to members of the congregation and the remainder will be donated to the Carpenters Arms, as last year.
Each church will be decorating for Harvest the Saturday before their service, so come along and join in the fun.
We also give thanks for all those happy children who came along for our first 'Messy Church' gathering last Sunday. 50 youngsters came along and had lots of fun. Messy Church will be held every 1st Sunday afternoon in the month. Come along with the children next month or join us tomorrow at Worship Together for all the family. Our Archdeacon, Revd Peter Hill will be joining us too.