The frosty weather is on its way! The weekly churchyard rota of teams, have been getting the churchyard cleared up ready for winter. If you can spare an hour or two helping out it would be much appreciated as the leaves fall. Equipment is provided.
The Garden of Remembrance needs constant tidying up. This is always a very labour intensive job and we give our thanks to the few who tend their loved ones plaques who help us out by tidying up those adjacent.
Our rotas always need more volunteers to help maintain St Mary's: flowers, brass cleaning, cleaning, churchyard.
Those with particular skills are always in demand too e.g. electrical, plumbing, carpentry, DIY, organisers, admin & IT.
We also need members who would be willing to participate in the various services too: children's leaders, bellringers, readers, intercessions, and musicians to name but a few.
This week is Leicestershire schools Half Term starting on Monday, 19th Oct. Nottinghamshire Half Term starts one week later.
If you listen to the radio, have you tried Premier Christian Radio on DAB radios?