Just as it seemed that everyone had gathered on the park for the May Day celebrations, yesterday, the whole village is invited to come and visit St Mary's on the
Open Day planned for May 21st. Come and meet us and see the new interior of the church.
The church will be open from 11.00-1.30pm, 2.30-4.00pm and 4.30-6.30pm. So put it in your diary now. Or you can just pop in any day when the church is open.We will be celebrating
Pentecost on 11th May, and as this is our usual 'Worship Together' service there will be a service of
Parish Communion at 9.30am instead. This is suitable for all ages and will be led by St Mary's Music Group.
Christian Aid Week will be from 11th-17th MayPlease consider those who need our help and give a little to help them. Volunteers will be delivering the envelopes and collecting them later in the week. We can't solve all the world's problems alone, but every little action does help - and so does praying.The Abbot Club, our men's group welcoming any newcomers, met last Thursday at the Nag's Head as usual. If you would like to come along, ask for Colin.
Music for a May Evening will be held in All Saints Church, Rempstone on May 7th at 7.30pm. This is a special event of organ music, played by Dr Paul Hale, Director of Music at Southwell Minster and young local artists. There are still some tickets left (£5.50, children £2) - contact Gloria on 880073 or Margaret on 881700. Glass of wine and canapes included.If you like listening to bands, there is a
Concert by Hathern Band next Saturday, 10th May at 7.30pm in St John The Baptist Church, Stanford on Soar. Proceeds will go towards the electrification of the church clock. Tickets are £6 (concessions £5) available from Jim on 212830 or Gillian on 238596. Refreshments are available plus a raffle.